Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
We’ll explore the concepts and code behind computer science topics that are fundamental knowledge for any programmer as well as popular job interview questions.
Part 1 of the workshop will focus on big O notation, recursion, and the binary search algorithm.
Part 2 will focus on data structures - determining their efficiency, the benefits and tradeoffs of different structures, and implementing a hash table.
Part 1: - Analyze algorithms to determine their Big O complexity. - Explain the difference between brute force search and binary search. - Implement the binary search algorithm.
Part 2: - Determine when different data structures should be used and why. - Analyze data structures to determine their Big O complexity for basic functions. - Implement a hash table.
Complete the computer science learning paths on myGA.
Part 1 key lessons: - Algorithms learning path: - Introduction to Algorithms - Big O Notation - Recursion - Introduction to Sorting - Basic Sorting Algorithms - Divide-and-Conquer Sorting Algorithms - Distribution Sorting Algorithms - Search Algorithms
Part 2 key lessons: - Data Structures learning path: - Introduction to Data Structures - Linked Lists - Stacks and Queues - Introduction to Hash Tables - Hash Tables Deep Dive - Sets - Binary Trees and Tries - Balancing Binary Trees - Graphs
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