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    Annie Cheung Photo

    Annie Cheung

    SEI Instructor, 老虎机游戏 Assembly

    Hong Kong

    After a time at Cisco Systems flirting with technology, Annie Cheung decided to jump in with both feet. She signed up for the February 2014 Software Engineering Immersive (SEI) course offered by GA. Five weeks in, the lead instructor asked her and another student to learn a new web development framework, build an interactive application with it, and present it to an audience -- all within five days. They did so, and their presentation was a resounding success and has been repeated twice since.

    After completing just 9 weeks of the 12-week-long SEI, Annie was offered the opportunity to co-instruct the May 2014 SEI class as an equal partner with the same lead instructor. That lead instructor -- the author of this all-too-brief bio -- considers her indispensable.

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