Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
Are you someone who needs to know what they’re getting into before doing something different? Us too.
Join us for a live, 45-minute Q&A session with one of our instructors - who happens to be a Data Analyst in real life. After walking you through their journey into the field of data analytics and answering some common FAQs, the floor is yours. Submit your questions via Zoom Q&A and have them answered in real time.
We’ll see you there.
By the end of this livestream, you should: - Have a basic understanding of what Data Analytics is, and the different opportunities that exist within that field - Understand which skills you can transfer, and which you have yet to learn - Feel confident knowing the next steps to break into the field of Data Analytics
Join the livestream on Zoom from your mobile device or desktop. We'll send the link to join the day of the session. - Your audio and video will automatically be off for the duration of the livestream. - Communication with the instructor will be via text in the Zoom Chat and Q&A. - We'll answer as many questions as possible in the time we have together. - Reach out to if you have any questions or issues.
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